Tuesday, April 26, 2011

New Neighbors

We live next door to the University of the Arts, so there's often weird stuff going on outside our window. Usually it's just bizarre music and the occasional hollering (not to mention all the sad kids in skinny jeans with assorted facial piercings who loiter outside), so Ben and I didn't really pay much attention when we started hearing whooping and clapping at 15 minute intervals awhile ago. But the other day while we were on a walk, we rounded the corner behind our building and ran smack into this:

Apparently as part of the Philadelphia International Festival of the Arts, there is now a temporary trapeze school in our backyard. It's actually really cool, we can sit on our balcony and watch them go at it:

Getting hooked up...
...grabbing the bar...
I will be sad when they leave and we no longer have a free (albeit rather tame) circus every night.


  1. And why are you not participating?

  2. I was hoping no one would ask... primarily because I'm a big baby, and secondarily because I would probably throw up.

  3. yo girl, dont act like you didnt go on the trapeze in the DR. you swang like a champion

  4. ummm... I'm pretty sure that was just you, and I watched
