Saturday, August 2, 2014


I am in Orlando for LeakyCon!!!! Yesterday, me and two friends woke up at 2 am and drove 17 hours to get here (Ben is in Istanbul for a conference so he couldn't come). It was totally worth it!!
Me and my buddies.
The sessions themselves were pretty hit or miss - the best was  Potter Puppet Pals live, followed by Dance Against the Dark Arts (which was exactly what it sounds like). We went to a panel about LGBTQ representation in the books that was really disappointing (the panelist were just not good - one said it was best Dumbledore wasn't out in the book because it might upset Christians), so we are plotting how to make our own social justice panel next year. But the unquestionable highlight of the day was that I MET LEV GROSSMAN!!!
My friend Ashley is much bolder than I am, so she grabbed him as he was leaving a panel and said "let me introduce you to the person who made the animated cross stitch video for you." He GAVE ME A FIST BUMP, said MY SUBMISSION WAS HIS FAVORITE and THE SAMPLER IS IN HIS ROOM, and WE MADE SMALL TALK FOR NEARLY FIVE MINUTES BEFORE HE HAD TO GO TO THE BATHROOM. I can't even handle my life right now.

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