Sunday, December 6, 2015


First, my best friend Ashley is visiting us this weekend! Yesterday we drove up the coast and picnicked on the ocean and it was beautiful.
Also, she brought me an awesome mug:

Today, unrelated to her visit but in a happy coincidence, was Ben's surprise birthday party! His actual birthday is January 1, but since that's a popular travel time I had to plan it for another day. I arranged for all of our Bay Area friends to be at the dim sum restaurant by our house, then Ashley and I strategically got Ben to the restaurant about 15 minutes later.
Walking to the restaurant. Ben looks grumpy because we were being weird about getting dim sum at a very specific time, and bossing him around.
Ben upon walking into the restaurant and finding all his friends there - including work friends I hadn't met but creepily stalked so I could invite them too.
I'd been planning the party for over a month, and was nervous the whole time that Ben would find out somehow, so I am relieved that I pulled it off successfully. Perfect weekend all around!

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