Saturday, January 16, 2016


I've had a nerdier than usual past few weeks. First, steotch (my cross-stitch idol) posted a bunch of internet-inspired mini-patterns, so I made this just for fun:
(If it makes no sense to you, it's a mashup of the Carter and banana for scale memes. Also, congrats on not wasting vast amounts of time on reddit.)
I then made a second meme-inspired cross stitch, this one a wedding sampler for our friends who have a Shiba Inu and as a result think doge is the funniest/best thing ever.
(As you can tell from the wedding date, this one's a year late. *awkward collar tug*)
Close up so you can read it better.
And THEN last night I got to go with a friend to see Patrick Rothfuss do a reading/Q&A at a bookstore, which was entertaining and funny and sweet all at once, just as you'd expect. Afterwards, and after a mere 1.5 hours of waiting in line, he signed my kindle!

The line moved slowly because he took time to have a short but genuine conversation with every single person. He talked to my friend for a good 2 minutes about writing techniques, and he talked to me for a minute or so about his feminism and anti-racism as manifested in his writing. We were numbers 94 and 95 out of ~250, and he promised to stay until every single person got through. I didn't think it was possible, but my nerd-love for him has grown even deeper.

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