Sunday, December 19, 2010

Seen on the Bus

You guys, I saw this on the bus yesterday and could not believe it was real:

Sorry it's off-center, there was a Scary Bus Man sitting in front of it so I couldn't get too close.
I thought it must be a prank or something, but I just checked and is real! I wonder if this Justin Bieber was just a regular lawyer until Other Justin Bieber became famous and Attorney Justin Bieber decided to capitalize on the name, or if Attorney Justin Bieber actually changed his name to steal Famous Justin Bieber's thunder, or if it really is just a giant coincidence. I kind of want to call Attorney Justin Bieber's number and ask about it, but I'm afraid he'll yell at me.

1 comment:

  1. "There *was* nothing wrong with it until that no-talent ass clown became famous and started winning Grammys. "

    - Justin Bieber, Esq.
