Monday, September 23, 2013

Nerd love through the ages

I officiated my friends' amazingly nerdy wedding this weekend! I'm still too flabbergasted to write about it coherently, so let me just share that the ringbearer was a falcon and leave it at that.
In this photo I've just retrieved the rings from the falcon.
I'm also tremendously relieved that nobody got pooped on.

For their wedding gift, I made them a sampler themed "nerd love through the ages." It's one of the more complicated samplers I have made, but I'm very pleased with how it turned out.
Here are close-ups of the individual couples, since it's kind of hard to see them in that picture.
Han Solo & Princess Leia
(Star Wars)
Aragorn & Arwen
(Lord of the Rings)

Apollo & Starbuck
(Battlestar Galactica)
Westley & Buttercup
(The Princess Bride)
Chris & Alana
(The actual couple!)
Ron & Hermione
(Harry Potter)
Rory & Amy
(Doctor Who)
Wash & Zoe
Fry & Leela

I had a lot of fun making it, but it also made me realize (for the umpteenth time) how white and heteronormative most nerd culture is.

We've already got five weddings on the docket for next year - I better get cracking!


  1. This sampler is the greatest thing ever happened. I've had this idea before and never went through with it. And it's true, we couldn't think of any well-known canon gay couples in nerd culture. Maybe someday.

  2. Did you design it yourself? or a pattern availiable

  3. Is there a pattern or did you do this with multi ones?

    1. It's a combination of patterns from this etsy store: and a few that I figured out myself (Fry & Leela, the couple getting married).
