Monday, February 21, 2011

Philadelphia Magic Gardens

Yesterday Ben and I went to Philadelphia Magic Gardens. Basically, this artist guy spent fourteen years covering every square inch of a South Philly row house and adjoining lot with crazy mosaics, so now it is three full city lots of magical, sparkly labyrinth.

It's hard to capture how impressive the place is with a camera - in person, with the sunlight glinting off of the thousands of mirrors and glass bottles, it looks utterly transporting, but on film it looks less glittery and more like a pile of trash in some places.

I think you could devote your entire life to exploring the place and pouring over all the details, and still find new things every time. There are so many tiny little touches that are easy to miss, but are so charming when you notice them.

It's only a couple of bucks to get in, so I think this will be our new sightseeing destination whenever people visit us!