Thursday, September 1, 2011

(lambda (cross-stich) (awesome cross-stich))

Behold, my latest nerdy cross stitch:

Yes, that's right, they make black cross-stitching cloth!
Figuring out the pattern for this one gave me quite a headache. I kept thinking, "Okay, I'll base this lambda's height off of the shield next to it, but I need that shield to be big enough for a lambda inside of it, but I need that lambda to be the same height as the shield next to it..." and recursing into frustration. But thanks to lots of arithmetic, I finally did it!

See, it is really cross-stiched:

And it is really recursive (to a point):

Bonus nerd feature: The outer shield is 128 stitches wide, the next one is 64 stitches, the next one is 32, etc... I am a nerdy cross-stitching genius!


  1. The great recursive order of the knights of the lambda calculus!

  2. so.stinking.awesome. Looks great Caroline!
