Sunday, October 2, 2011

Perfect square!

Look what I got in the mail:


At first I was like, "I can't believe they would send me another guilt mailing, especially since I didn't even give them anything last time!" But then I opened it up, and found:

 In case you can't read the small script:

It's from my aunt and uncle, or - as it says on the certificate - "Lady High Mistress of Muckety-Muck" and "Grand Poo-Bah." And people wonder where I get my sense of humor from.

There was a bunch of other silly stuff in there too:
They crossed out "erasers" on that package, and wrote "mistake catchers" instead.
I think I'm going to wear the "Birthday Girl" ribbon to work tomorrow, and see if anyone comments. I think I'm entitled, after having spent a quarter century among the Muggles of Planet Earth.

1 comment:

  1. In a little over six months, you will have lived a perfect cube number of weeks, etc.
