Sunday, June 15, 2014

Blackwork Orange

The first wedding in our year-of-seven-weddings was this past weekend near Plymouth - our hotel was literally across the street from Plymouth Rock:
It's a rock! An underwhelming rock!
The wedding itself was fun - we got all dressed up and had a great time hanging out with friends.
We look like grownups!
The couple met in Philly, and she's a huge Jane Austen fan, so this was the sampler I made them:
I bought a book on blackwork recently and was excited to try it out for the first time in this project - except I didn't want to do it in black since I thought that would be too dour for a wedding sampler. I picked orange because it is bright and happy, and also so I could make the pun in this post's title.
Ooooh.... ahhhh....
It was a fun technique to learn, and my book has a bunch more patterns I want to try out - good thing I have a bunch more weddings to create samplers for!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like the diagonal bracing seen on the exterior of the Chicago John Hancock Center or London's 30 St Mary Axe.
