Sunday, June 8, 2014


After our mini college reunion on the cape last weekend, we headed to Colorado for a week of vacation. Happily two of the college friends who weren't able to make it to MA last weekend live in CO, so we could see them this week instead:
Yay, e-friends!
Ben's parents own a cabin in Winter Park which they graciously let us use - it's like living in a post card. Seriously, this is the view from the deck:
We spent most of the week reveling in doing not much of anything - just sleeping in, reading, watching movies, eating, and generally being layabouts. But we did get out a bit - Winter Park is right next to Rocky Mountain National Park, so we spent a day there driving along Trail Ridge Road and gawking at the views.
Park entrance
Ben at the bottom
Me at the top
Look how much snow is still there!
Panorama of the top Ben took with his fancy phone
Believe it or not, Ben even convinced me to go hiking one day. And I hardly complained at all.
Hard to complain when it's so pretty

Finally, Ben wants (and deserves) credit for capturing this enormous bee that was in the house:

We're both bummed to be going back to the real world tomorrow, but happily we've got more fun stuff coming up this summer (so many weddings!) to look forward to.

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