Saturday, May 21, 2011

Hudson River Valley

We spent the last two days of our vacation in the Hudson River Valley, for the extremely significant reason that it is halfway between Burlington, VT (home of the farthest-away friends we visited) and Philadelphia, and I wanted a break from driving. Despite the dire weather forecast, it only rained for about half of our stay, and for the other half it was quite nice.

This was the view outside our window (when it stopped raining).
We stayed in a bed and breakfast, which was great with the possible exception of its super-bizarre hallway Art: Ziploc bags filled with paint and nailed to boards in semi-patriotic arrangements.

See, it looks patriotic! Also, slightly like blood.

It is definitely made of Ziploc bags, paint, and nails.

Some of the Ziploc Art also had plastic condiment cup lids in it, I'm assuming for extra Art:


Disposable plastic lids!

Other Art had little explanatory tags attached to it:

Hmm, I don't recognize this flag...

... now I learned something!

Unfortunately, I was unable to find any tag that explained why someone decided to fill Ziploc bags with paint and tiny plastic lids, then nail them to boards in various interpretations of the American flag.
My other favorite part of where we stayed was that they had electric candles in the bathroom, which were obviously electric because:
  1. They were made of plastic, and not wax.
  2. They had a switch on the bottom, as well as a clearly visible battery compartment.
  3. There was a sign in the bathroom telling you they are electric.
My favorite part is not that the candles were electric, but that despite the numerous indicators that they aren't real, they were all covered in scorch marks from people trying to light them with matches:
Gotta love people's determination to set things on fire! If only someone would carry that idea over to the hallway Art...


  1. ive discovered this new thing at oberlin: the fisher art gallery. its where all the weird-ass art students display their weird-ass art projects and then all the hip people get super dressed up and go and drink cheap wine in plastic cups and eat funny snacks and stand around and gossip and stare at the art and feel sophistocated.

    the most recent show i went to feature a fermentation showcase, in which a bunch of jars were placed on a shelf and each jar contained a strange object (like hair or envelopes). dont ask meeeeee!!!!! i just go for the popcorn.

    its 2:53 am and baby jesus has not come and taken me to heaven. i think he forgot about me :(

  2. You should have put your dead bird in a jar full of honey on a shelf in the exhibit, to see if anyone noticed that it wasn't supposed to be there.
