Monday, May 9, 2011

National Constitution Center

Yesterday Ben and I went to the National Constitution Center, because we are good citizens and full of civic pride. Also, we had a groupon.

It ended up being surprisingly awesome, and very contemporary - they already had an exhibit on the constitutionality of health care reform, and an interactive thing about whether or not Obama should release the photos of bin Laden's corpse. But the thing I appreciated the most is that obviously the people who run it have a sense of humor, and aren't too uptight about their work. For example, the museum map describes the Signers' Hall exhibit as the "number one destination for people who like to hang out with life size bronze statues." And then there was this sign on a malfunctioning display:

I think that's what I'll say next time I have difficulty with the conference room speakers at work - "this presentation is exercising its 5th Amendment right to be silent."

1 comment:

  1. this is unrelated but i dont have relevant anything to say and i like to comment on every post:

    i used the dead bird in a jar full of honey to lure a boy back to my room...! the universe loves me.
