Monday, November 21, 2011

Ready for my closeup

They are filming a movie where I work! Last week a small village of trailers sprang up seemingly overnight, and ever since then there have been guys setting up complicated lighting contraptions and giant camera things all over the block. I wanted to take a picture of all the trailers, which are actually quite fancy, but there are a lot of big scary guys around and I was too chicken.

Based on the fact that one of my coworkers saw Julia Stiles in the sandwich shop next to our office, and another saw Bradley Cooper on the street, we have surmised that this is the movie being filmed. Now we are spending our lunch hours hatching elaborate plans to put on all our TFA gear and try to get in the background of a scene. Some people are also hatching elaborate plans to run into Julia Stiles and/or Bradley Cooper, but those seem less likely to bear fruit.


  1. I recently learned that in movie credits with all those funny titles, key grip, best boy, etc., most of them are for setting up lights and other electricity.

  2. There are a ton of guys working on setting up those lights, so I guess that makes sense

  3. Take pictures! I don't see why they would get mad if you took pictures of the trailers/base camp, unless its a closed set, which I doubt. The big scary guys are probably just teamsters, if they are just hovering around the trailers themselves. Maybe Production Assistants if they've got earpieces in.

  4. I brought my camera to work today since you inspired me, and the whole thing disappeared over the long weekend! I'm not sure if they took a break for Thanksgiving and will be back, or if they are just done. If they come back, I will be less chicken and go for it.
