Thursday, September 9, 2010


We are dogsitting my boss's beagle for a few days, and since she got dropped off here last night she and Ben have been rolling around on the floor together in pure bliss - I can't tell which of the two is more thrilled by this arrangement. My ability to enjoy the dog's presence is marred by my constant anxiety that I will somehow ruin her forever and get myself fired as a result.

The dog is unusually affectionate, especially considering she's only known us for about a day. All she wants to do is cuddle, and she even wanted to sleep with us last night. When we left for work this morning we could hear her crying all the way to the elevator; it was heartbreakingly pathetic. How do people do this with kids??

Anyway, I tried to take a picture of the dog because she is really quite cute, but she is also very wiggly and has a tapetum, and I am not a great photographer in the first place, so this was the best I could do:

1 comment:

  1. awww

    though, I'll admit that I'm a little disappointed that she has a tail. How will Ben start his stories that he tells about her?
