Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Guest Star!

My friend Sam came to visit! This is regular great because Sam is awesome, and double great because he promised to cook me dinner. He is a master chef and I can't read his blog before meals because it makes me too hungry and sad that I don't know how to cook, so he kindly narrated his whole cooking process so I could learn. I learned many things from him, including:
  • What blanching means, and how to do it.
  • What brown butter is, and how to make it.
  • How to not be scared of chicken bones and use them to make delicious stock.
  • That the list he keeps of mean things I've said isn't just in the back of his head, but is actually written down for posterity.
I had always thought that Sam's drool-inducing food pictures were a result of some fancy food camera he had, or at least some fancy food photographing technique. But it turns out you just need a regular camera and regular photographing techniques, because his food really is that beautiful:

Have you ever seen such good looking brussels sprouts?
What a perfect chicken!
Sam is an expert chicken carver.
Can you believe I got to eat this for dinner? At home? On a Tuesday?
I think the limiting factor in these pictures is that I don't have fancy enough plates to properly showcase Sam's work.

After we ate, he put the bones and a bunch of random food scraps in a pot and cooked it overnight to make stock.
Even Sam's food scraps look great!

Now I have frozen stock to eat in Sam's absence, and my whole house smells like magic. Thanks, Sam!

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