Sunday, October 3, 2010


Yesterday was my birthday, and my parents drove up from Maryland with this awesome cake for the occasion:
You can't really tell in this picture, but that weird dusty stuff on it is actually sparkles!
 This other picture shows its colors better since the flash isn't washing it out, and you can also see our pretty new walls and floor:
We're not usually this messy, we just haven't completely unpacked yet.
It was an extremely awesome birthday, consisting of a trip to Ikea for a table (and meatballs!), walking around Center City, and delicious dinner at a great restaurant recommended to me by a coworker. Also, as a birthday/housewarming present, my parents got us the most beautiful mezuzah I've ever seen:
(This picture is from the company's website.)
The real birthday treat was that Ben got a snake and cleaned out the tub drain, since after about five minutes in the shower the water would be up to your ankles. I think this is the grossest household chore there is, what with all the disgusting wads of hair and soap scum involved, which is why it was so nice for Ben to do it. Among the typical gross drain junk, he actually pulled up a dime. Wonder what those old owners did in there...

1 comment:

  1. okay, how come a picture of my incredible card was not uploaded???

    also, i read that ben got a snake and got too excited to finish the sentance and when i finally finished reading it i was sad.
